Customer FAQ

Most items are shipped from South Korea via international shipping services.
Only some products are shipped from warehouses in the United States.

All orders ship within 2-3 business days, and take 7-14 days to arrive in the US. Delivery time to other countries is shorter than that. If you need items particularly quickly, please contact us via chat.

We ship via FedEx for safe and fast delivery of our products.

Customs duty is not charged on purchases under $800 when shipped to the United States.
For customs duties and taxes in other countries, please check the tax standards of your country.
Customs duties and other taxes are the responsibility of the customer. We do not charge you at the time of purchase. Separately from the purchase price, you must pay directly to the customs office of your country when you receive the product.

All items sold are genuine, officially distributed, and are carefully packaged and shipped in their original packaging.